Odisha Records of Rights (ROR) or Certified Copy of ROR Odisha is only available by the Revenue Department of Odisha or get it online at Bhulekh Odisha web.
Here you can get detailed information about how to get Records of Rights (ROR) or Certified Copy of ROR Odisha.
Odisha Records of Rights (ROR)
Friends, Odisha Records of Rights (ROR) is issued by the Odisha State Government’s Revenue Department to the people who is the legal owner of the Land. ROR is proof of ownership of land or property.
Odisha Land Records (ROR) contains full detailed information of land along with the land owner’s name with address and Khata No, Plot No, Chaka No, and Amount of Land.
It will maintain by the Revenue Department of Odisha State Government for each village or Mouza separately.
Revenue Department of Odisha also provides a Certified Copy of ROR to the Resident of Odisha.
Here you can get knowledge of the Online Apply for a Certified Copy of ROR in Odisha and How to get Odisha Land Records of Rights (ROR) Online below in this post.
Uses and Importance of Odisha Records of Rights (ROR)
- By this Odisha Records of Rights (ROR) proves the real owner of a land
- By the ROR Landowner can claim anywhere regarding any dispute arise regarding land.
- Certified copies of records of rights are also valid everywhere.
- In court litigations, Odisha’s record of rights can be used.
- Odisha ROR is a very important document having information regarding the landed property.
- At the time of sale of land or at the registration office for any legal work, ROR will be required
- By the Records of Rights (ROR) one can get a loan from any bank as per bank guidelines.
How to get Odisha Records of Rights (ROR) or Certified Copy ROR
For Odisha Records of Rights (ROR) or Certified Copy ROR can be apply online or offline, here are both procedures to apply below:
Online Procedure to get Records of Rights (ROR) or Certified Copy of ROR:
If you apply for a Certified Copy of ROR in Odisha, the revenue department will provide a copy of ROR with seal signature officially.
Step 1: Applicant can apply online ROR or Certified copy at nearest CSC center. Visit the nearest CSC Center and fill an application form which link is available to download.
Step 2: Required documents should be attached with the application form which is mentioned below for getting the Odisha records of rights (ROR) and submit to the CSC Operator.
Step 3: CSC operator will issue a receipt having Application Number. This application number will also be sent to the registered mail ID and mobile number which is mentioned in the application form. Keep this number safe for future reference.
Step 4: After a few days you may ask CSC Center for a Certified Copy of ROR. CSC Operator will be provided online digitally signed certified Copy of ROR.
Off-Line Procedure to get Records of Rights (ROR) or Certified Copy of ROR
- First, visit the office of Tahasildar of your jurisdiction and approach for issue ROR or Certified Copy of ROR.
- Submit the Application Form along with the above-mentioned documents.
- Pay Required Fee for ROR.
- Receive a Recept.
- After a few days, you can ask for ROR or Certified copy of ROR to Concerned Officer for issue ROR by showing receipt
- The concerned Officer will provide a ROR copy.
In this way, you can get Odisha Records of Rights (ROR) or a Certified Copy of ROR in Odisha.
Required Documents for Apply Records of Rights (ROR)
- Personal information Details
- Contact Details
- Permanent address
- Voter Id
- Adhar Card
- One Recent Passport size photo
- Details of the landowner
- Purpose of obtaining
- Land Record Details
- Plot Details
- Other documents which are asked by CSC
How to View or Print Odisha Land Records of Rights (ROR) Online?
Here you can follow some below mentioned steps to check or download your Odisha Khatiyan details or Odisha land records details easily.
Firstly you must have a good interment connection on your PC, Laptop, or Mobile to browse the Bhulekh Odisha website.
For the best online view of your Khatiyan, land or Patta is Computer/Desktop or Laptop. You can check it through Mobile but you can not get the best view as compare to PC or Laptop.
First open your Browser Google Chrome, Firefox, or any browser on your device, and type in the search box Bhulekh Odisha (Bhulekh Orissa).
Find the appropriate link in the search result but you must sure that the link URL is www.bhulekh.ori.nic.in and Click on the link.
Now a page is open on your device as like as below image.
Here you can see the above image of the official page of Bhulekh Odisha. To view your Khatiyan, Patta, or Land record of Odisha details you have to select District, Tahasil, Village, and RI Circle from the drop-down list.
After selecting Basic details you can now view Khatiyan/ROR by Khatiyan Number, Plot Number, or Tenant Name. To see Khatiyan you have to enter Khatiyan Number or Plot number and click on Ror FrontPage or RoR Back page button.
Now you can see your Khatiyan, RoR, or Patta front page if press the Ror Front Page button. To see the back page of RoR click on the RoR Back page button.
To print your RoR, Patta, or Khatiyan page you have to press the print button which is placed below.
In this way, you can check or print your land record copy or view Odisha land record online easily.
Important Links for Odisha Records of Rights (ROR)
Click Here for Odisha Land Records
Click Here for Odisha Bhu Naksha
Odisha Map Download: Click Here
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